Monday, May 28, 2012

Bryson's voice

How did the experience of reading Bryson compare with the experience of listening to him? (When I went online to buy "Notes From a Small Island," I ended up buying the abridged version as part of the Bill Bryson "collection" because the unabridged version was narrated by someone else and I didn't want to listen to someone else read his stuff.)

Terra incognita

Bryson begins the book with the observation that we know almost nothing about Australia, that all manner of interesting and crazy thing happens there (prime ministers vanishing into the surf) or can be found there (deadly critters galore), and yet we never hear a word. Two questions: (1) What's the most interesting/surprising thing you discovered about Australia in the book? and (2) Did the book alter your preconception of the country?

Of all the places

Of all the Australian cities, sites and natural wonders that Bryson visits, which would you most like to see?