This was one of my favorite science fiction books. "The Forever War" first appeared as a serial in "Analog" then was released as a novel, winning the Hugo and Nebula awards in the mid-'70s. It's considered a response to "Starship Troopers," a pro-military book by my favorite sci-fi writer, Robert Heinlein. Joe Haldeman was a Vietnam vet, and "The Forever War" was pretty topical when it came out, and maybe is still so today. I guess we'll find out.
Also, I'd suggest trying to get the one with the above cover if you can. The first novelization was a bit censored, and the update from the early '90s wasn't quite right, either. This one, released recently, is the supposedly the version the author intended.
I got this for one penny on Amazon! But I don't know what the cover looks like. By novelization, you mean when he put the magazine series in the form of a single book?
You stink. I had to pay $1.40 for mine.
Hurrah! I'll order early.
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