This novel won the Pulitzer, but more importantly, Oprah has given it her seal of approval, so now we must read it. I read Cormac McCarthy's "No Country for Old Men" not too long and loved, loved, loved it, but it's the only book of his I have read.
In this one, there's a father-son story, a long journey and a whole catalog of post-apocalyptic horrors, including cannibals. Enjoy.
Sounds excellent. Can't wait.
I'm sorry that I didn't read Erin's pick, especially after all of that talk about how I wanted the book club to continue after cl left.
And I'm sorry about this, too: I don't want to continue with the club, at least not for now. If we get more people interested in it in the future, then maybe I'll want to do it again. But I can't handle being one-third of the discussion, and I'd feel like I was letting you two down if I was much less than that.
And I haven't wanted to read anything lately. I've always felt like reading is something I should do, and should want to do, but I usually don't actually want to do it. I wish I wanted to -- there are lots of books I'd like to have read; I just don't want to do the actual reading.
Anyway, I'm sorry.
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