A Booker Prize winner in 1984 by Anita Brookner. It is borderline novella-length, so it should be a fast read. How about for Nov. 25? It will give me and kc something to mess with during our Thanksgiving shift!
From Wikipedia:
"Romantic novelist Edith Hope is staying in a hotel on the shores of Lake Geneva, where her friends have advised her to retreat following an unfortunate incident. There she meets other English visitors, including Mrs Pusey and her daughter Jennifer, and an attractive middle-aged man, Mr Neville.
"Edith reaches Hotel du Lac in a state of bewildered confusion at the turn of events in her life. A secret and often lonely affair with a married man and an aborted marriage later, she is banished by her friends, who advise her to go on "probation" so as to "grow up," and "be a woman," atoning for her mistakes.
"Edith comes to the hotel swearing not to change. The silent charms of the hotel and her observations of the guests there all tug at Edith with questions of her identity, forcing her to examine who she is and what she has been."
Sweet! I've never read anything by her. Looking forward to it.
Ordered it!
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