Wednesday, June 12, 2013


So, all of us having lived through high school — and Ms. Little having taught it! — can you think of a situation where if you were the teacher you'd be sorely tempted to rig an outcome?


Erin said...

Certainly. Thinking about homecoming kings and student council and things like that, I'd always root for the underdog kids. The nerdy ones or quirky ones over the popular, good-looking ones who usually win. The social dynamics of high school are always so dumb; I think it would be frustrating to have to watch as an adult.

cl said...

Oh, probably. I gave my newspaper students free reign with the First Amendment, probably to our detriment, but with yearbook staffers I vetoed a lot of scenarios where they'd fill the book with themselves and their friends and other popular kids. Well, maybe I didn't veto, but I would just wear them down with disapproval. I was not above that!