Wednesday, January 07, 2009

"I Want a New Drug"

Would you rather try Dylar or the Stanford Linear Accelerator 3-Day Particle Smashing Diet?

Really, if we could be fed a pill, what would it do?


kc said...

I'll go with the diet. I don't really fear dying.

If we could be fed a pill, what would it do? Good question. I think it would make us feel constantly blessed to be simply alive and have food and simple shelter and a little companionship and to never feel the need to buy unnecessary crap or strive for idiotic things like "professional success."

Erin said...

I would like something that would ensure I was always in a good mood, with plenty of energy and motivation to get things done.

Ben said...

I'd like a pill that restores a childlike sense of wonder.

cl said...

Kim, I want to say I don't fear dying, but whenever I type the words, I think there's a Grim Reaper's shadow looming over the keyboard. OK, now she's just asking for it. But that might be my conscience testing me to take better care of my body.

Maybe it's more about what I think I'd like to do and experience and resolve before death happens. Erin's energy pill would certainly help.

I think the enchantment of pills here offers the dual answer to wanting to lead a superlative life and prolonging it as long as possible.