Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"C": enthusiasm

I also like how Fisher critiques hosts for their enthusiasm over taste or skill.

She describes a host: “... with no innate good taste, whose meals are incredibly and coarsely and vulgurly overlaborate and rich, but present them with such high spirits that they are unfailingly delightful.”


Erin said...

I liked this description, too. It goes back to the idea of the host's attitude being infectious. I admit I'm probably guilty of not showing enough enthusiasm as a host. I'm always nervous when I'm serving new recipes to people, and I sometimes wind up apologizing for the food's potential shortcomings before anyone has even tried it. I can see how that would lessen my guests' enthusiasm for the meal.

Ben said...

We've had guests?

Erin said...

Sorry, by "guests," I meant Kim and George.